Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Mini-Blog : Stair-master.

One of my closest friends from Peterborough, Amanda, has come for a 2 week visit! A more detailed blog is to follow about our adventures in Paris and Geneva, Switzerland, but for now, a mini-blog entry about Amanda's arrival at my 100% accessible residence. Honestly, I love Le Rabot. I love the people and the view and even the location. It hasn't been adapted yet though.

View from le Rabot
You have to pee, Amanda? Well check out...our holes in the floor!

The castle res building has a real toilet, it's not TOO far. Okay, now let's climb back up to my res building.

A little further..

Almost there....

Uh oh! Watch out for that Escargot!

At my building!

Good thing my room's on the first floor (which means the second in French...they have "zero-th" floors here as the ground floor).

Made it! 

And that is how you get to my res AFTER climbing the mountain! 
No wonder the French are all so skinny!