Saturday, 23 June 2012

Mom, Mary and Me in Nice, France


Now you know why it’s called “Nice”, eh?

But of course, it’s French…so they pronounce it like “niece”.

This was probably one of Mom and Aunt Mary's favourite places to visit on their 3 week stay. Beautiful southern France, where the sun literally almost ALWAYS shines. 

So I'll back up a bit. What happened, was that we got back from visiting family in Italy, then I took Mom and Aunt Mary to one of my favourite restaurants in Grenoble. I had this great chicken last time, so we ordered chicken again to share between the 3 of us. This is how it came:

A little pink? Actually, that's raw chicken. Yeah, touching the fries. (Haha, I'm gonna sound like a bit of a princess for a bit). They eat raw beef here, so I just figured it was another cultural weird thing. Fifteen minutes of us fretting over what to do with this raw (expensive) chicken, she came out with a metal board and basically a couple candles. "Cuisez, comme cela." Who goes to a restaurant to cook their own food!? Some may see it as a "delicacy" or something, but I was just hungry. We tried cooking, but it took too long, so we ate the fries and salad and left. Learning experience. Kind of funny, looking back on it now.

Mom and Aunt Mary went to Paris for a few days, I went to school. They didn't have the greatest weather, but I think they enjoyed it for the most part, doing a hop-on-hop-off bus.

That Friday, we met up in Nice. It was a relaxing final 3 days of their trip. After all the go-go-go of touristy stuff, it was nice to just take some time to walk along the boardwalk, shop and lounge by the pool.

I’ll sum it up briefly with this:

The hotel was nice.

The bathroom was bigger than
most of my hostel rooms.


Restaurant (that part's beneath the pool)

The water was nice.

The gelato was nice.

I was a princess.
(told you dad)

Rooftop chair by the pool

My ride
(k...not really)

"Princesse de Nice"

This man was creepy.

Thanks for spoiling me rotten mom and aunt Mary.

I went for a run in the morning with a million other people. I saw a beautiful monument dedicated to soldiers.

After Mass, a kind, older couple saw my Canadian flag on my purse and said hello. We had a nice visit. They even invited me to supper with them. Unfortunately we were leaving that day, but it just goes to show, not all French people are cold :P

We headed back to Grenoble for our last dinner together in France. Italian pizza. Yum! A few days after Mom and Aunt Mary left, Amanda (one of my best friends) arrived from Canada and we headed to Paris and Switzerland! So get ready for what will most likely be my final France blog  :)

À plus !

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